Discord Girls : Louise & Marion

• Presentations
Louise : Hi, my name is Louise, I’m 21 years old and I’m a 2nd year law student in Paris. In life, I am passionate about music, skiing and of course series. For the moment, I have only had the opportunity to make one real convention where I was in charge of the ticketsale.
Marion : My name is Marion and I am 23 years old. In life I like a lot of things, like concerts or writing, but I am also a big fan of series. In fact, I met one of the organizers of NA at my first convention in 2016! During the real conventions, I take care of the animations on the big screen in the panel room. I manage the videos and announcements in a timely manner so that everyone can follow their day properly.
• Discord girls
Marion : As a discord girl, I am present with Louise all day on the discord at the convention. Our role is to answer the questions of the fans and offer them a solution if there is a problem. And throughout the day or weekend of the convention, we offer online games for fans (Pictionary, Blindtest, quizzes on the series…). There are always activities tickets to win! What I like most about these missions is to see the good mood of people and friendships made during our games or meetings.
Louise : For the last two online conventions we also offered fan meetings, during which, for 30 to 45 minutes, Marion and I moderated free Zoom meetings with the fans, which allowed them to exchange about the convention, the series… This new activity allows us to put faces on the different names of the people with whom we exchange all along the convention. And I think our greatest reward as a Discord girl is to witness the friendships that are made, or strengthened, between fans.
• Neverland Adventure team in 3 words ?
Louise : Family, extraordinary and devoted.
Marion : Family, magical and unique.
• Their best memory
Louise : I think my best convention memory was selling the extras. Throughout the day I was able to meet great people, talk with them, and to see them leave with a smile on their face and memories in their heads is something really satisfying. But, I must say that the Zoom fan meetings are also great memories, the fans are adorable and it’s nice to see them share lots of anecdotes.
Marion : I would say my best memories are the last two fan meetings, at the Me and My Idols Online and the Everlasting Adventure. The fans are all sweet and it was a real pleasure to meet them. It makes you want to meet them at a real convention!
Otherwise, all the conversations and after parties that end up laughing with the NA team are also part of my best memories.