Following the success of the Everlasting Adventure Online convention, a second edition will take place on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 February 2021.
The first guest is Arnas Fedaravicius, he will attend both days! Arnas is a platinum guest.
As you know, the ticketing for the #EA (in person) convention opens on Saturday, December 18, 2020. We have decided to open the #EAO2 ticketing on Friday, January 8, 2021 so we won’t open them at the same time.
We will offer packs for people who want to buy more activities. Payment in two installments will be possible for all three packs. The description of the paks is available on the website: https://www.neverlandadventure.fr/en/events/eao2/
The proposed activities are :
- Individual meeting: one on one with the actor during 5 minutes. Possibility to share this meeting with a friend for 10€ with the option bring a friend.
- Group meeting: meeting with a maximum of 30 fans during 30 minutes.
- Duo Meeting : meeting with two guests and a maximum of 30 fans during 30 minutes.
- Meeting all guests: each day a meeting with all the actors present at the event is offered. These meetings will last 30 minutes and will be limited to 10 people.
- Meeting game: challenge 2 actors with a maximum of 8 fans during this 45 minutes meeting. The games will be announced soon.
- Fans meeting: chat between fans during 30 minutes, free for Panel ticket holders if you register !
- Videos: get a video of minimum 30 seconds of the actor of your choice! Please note that these videos are personal and cannot be shared online.
- Panels: At least 4 panels (30 minutes) during which you will be able to ask your questions to all the actors present! This ticket also includes an access all day long to Discord (space reserved for fans, discussions, mutual aid, contests…).
We look forward to seeing you online while waiting for the real convention!