Let’s hang with -A
We are delighted to announce that our second edition of Let’s hang with will this time be with actors from the Pretty Little Liars series! This edition is called Let’s hang with – A.
As a reminder, our Let’s hang with events are one-day events with few actors and intimates.
The first guest of this event is Janel Parrish! Janel will do individual meetings, a 30 mn game meeting and videos. Her extras will be on sale tomorrow at 9pm at the ticket office.
Information about the event is available on our website : https://www.neverlandadventure.fr/en/events/lhw/
Here is the description of the event’s activities :
Panel: The panel ticket gives you access to all the panels of the event and gives you an access to the Discord area to chat and play with the fans (prizes will be to be won). The full price (10€) of the ticket will be donated to the Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris, hôpitaux de France.
Individual Meeting: A 5-minute meeting with the actor alone. It is possible to share this meeting with one person with the option to bring a friend for 10€.
Group Meeting: A 30-minute meeting with a maximum of 30 fans.
Meeting Game : A quiz about the Pretty Little Liars series with one or two actors and a maximum of 8 fans.
Videos: a video of 30 seconds minimum. The video will be sent to you within 4 weeks. As a reminder, the videos are intended for personal use and must not be shared on social medias.
Printed Screenshot : option that will allow you to receive your printed screenshots! For French shipments the rate including a printed screenshot and mailing is 5€ and for all other countries the rate is 10€. If you want several printed screenshots, you can add a 1€ option per photo.
Pack: we will offer you several packs including several activities at a total price lower than the cumulated price of each activity. In addition, each pack includes a panel ticket with access to the discord.
Janel won’t be doing any group meeting and you can find the price and details of the packs offered for her on our ticketing page.
Here is some information about our ticket office :
The ticket office accepts payment by credit card or bank transfer.
To pay by bank transfer, you just have to select the bank transfer payment directly on the ticket office at the time of payment.
When you purchase your activities, you will immediately receive instructions and links to the activities. Keep this email in order to access your activities on the day of the event!
You can also choose the times of your individual meeting when you purchase. The times are also indicated on your ticket.
The registration links for the panels and the Discord space are sent to you a few days before the event.
You can join the Facebook group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/letshangwith/
We hope to announce at least another guest soon, so stay tuned!
Neverland Adventure